Plyometrics 101

Plyometric exercises tend to have an effect similar to interval training. Depending on how it’s performed, your body can burn through your ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and glycogen, thus using fat as its primary fuel.

Should I include plyometrics in my weekly workouts? Depending on what your goals are, you might have to.

Plyometrics, also known as ‘jump training,’ is a form of exercise that has been used develop greater physical power and sports performance by enhancing muscle strength, speed and agility. Usually, plyometric exercises are body-weight movements that emphasize the strength-shortening cycle (SSC).

With the purpose of explaining what the SSC is, you need to understand the various ways that your muscles can contract. Your muscles are capable of four contractions: isometric, isotonic, concentric and eccentric. For this blog, we’ll focus on the concentric and the eccentric contractions.

Simply put, a concentric contraction takes place when the muscle is shortened, much like a bicep curl, while an eccentric contraction takes place when the muscle is lengthened, like lowering the dumbbell to perform a bicep curl. The transition of going from a rapid eccentric to a concentric muscle contraction is known as the strength-shortening cycle. When engaging in a plyometric exercise, such as a jump squat, your muscles experience both types of contractions.

The SSC is the main reason why plyometric training is effective at increasing power and strength, for it takes advantage of the elastic properties in connective tissue and muscle fibers.

Do plyometric exercises burn more fat?

Plyometric exercises tend to have an effect similar to interval training. Depending on how it’s performed, your body can burn through your ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and glycogen, thus using fat as its primary fuel.

“Because power training is so physically demanding, it requires so many more calories for your body to get back to homeostasis. And that’s why it produces a huge fat-burning effect.” – Tom Seabourne, PhD

Plyometric training risks

It’s very important to know how to perform plyometric exercises properly since this type of training tends to put the athlete at a greater risk of injury. For starters, I highly suggest for you to know how to land correctly before trying a plyometric workout session. Also, seek out a trainer or professional to demonstrate for you. I’ve included a resource that might help.

Like previously stated, plyometrics aren’t for everyone. They’re effective at developing greater physical power and sports performance by enhancing muscle strength, speed and agility. However, such exercises can be dangerous if not performed correctly.

Personally, I do plyo every other day. It’s one of my favorite workouts, so if you feel like trying it, I think you’d love it. Let me know how it goes!



*Please note: featured image was found on Google, traced back to

If you enjoyed this article, you might like: The Reason Why You Should Do HIIT & Full Leg Day Workout


McNeely, Ed. “Introduction to plyometrics: Converting strength to power.” NSCA’s performance training journal 6, no. 5 (2005): 19-22.

Slimani, Maamer, Karim Chamari, Bianca Miarka, Fabricio B. Del Vecchio, and Foued Chéour. 2016. “Effects of Plyometric Training on Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review.” Journal Of Human Kinetics 53, no. 1: 231-247. SPORTDiscus with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed April 26, 2017).

BERG, MICHAEL. 2017. “PLYO POWER.” Muscle & Performance 9, no. 3: 42. MasterFILE Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 26, 2017).

Summer: Bikini Prep Quick Tips

Shorts, tank tops, bikini bottoms… mhmmm sounds like summer is in the air!

It’s exciting to witness the change of the seasons and knowing that it won’t be long until we can enjoy our time in the sun. After all, we’ve been preparing for the countless beach trips, tanning sessions and random road trips all year long. In fact, I bet most of you already have a swimsuit picked out for your first dip in the pool.

As one would expect, summer tends to bring out a handful of visitors to our nearby gym. Suddenly, everybody and their grandmother is on a health kick as if only six weeks was enough time to lose the weight that they’ve gained throughout the year.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to see people motivated as much as the next guy. The problem that I have is when people stop exercising after summer has begun. You see, being fit shouldn’t have an expiration date. Fitness is a lifestyle, not a finish line that you need to cross and be done with. It’s a process that requires time and patience to see your body transform before your eyes.

My point is that if you choose to start exercising, don’t do it because you have to look better than Suzy in that polka-dot bikini that Bryan likes. Do it because you want to better the rest of your life. News flash, summer is only three months out of the year. Why would you want to be healthy and look good for one-fourth of the year when you could feel and look just as good all the time?

Nevertheless, if you choose to start your bikini prep, here are some suggestions.

  1. Diet is everything – don’t expect to lose the weight just by lifting weights
  2. Ladies, upper body is a must! – That butt may look nice, but so do those toned arms
  3. Change up your workouts
  4. Add HIIT training once or twice a week
  5. Don’t eat less, just better
  6. Make it a group activity
  7. Hydrate!
  8. Don’t do anything drastic – results take time
  9. Vegetables and protein are a major key *DJ Khaled voice*

I will be posting summer workouts soon. I apologize for being a bit MIA. When you work as much as I do, breathing is a luxury!

Leave me comments about the type of workouts and training tips you’d like to see. I love to give you whatever advice you might need!




If you liked this article, you might enjoy: Women Shouldn’t Neglect Their Upper Body, Full Upper Back Workout & My Everlasting Relationship With Gym

New Recipes For Your Favorite Dishes

What’s for lunch? Chicken and broccoli… again.

Have you ever been on a diet for so long that you’ve found yourself eating the same food every single day? It’s like you’re trapped inside a strict health bubble that you can’t bust out of. There’s no variety whatsoever!

Salmon. Chicken. Repeat.


Honestly, it’s time for you to spice things up. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be the most monotone experience of your life. You can change the look, flavor and feel of your meals as much as you want without messing too much with the calories. All you need is a little bit of creativity and a variety of spices.

Let me show you two recipes you can try to switch things up.

Salmon Pasta 


  • 1 Skinless salmon (wild-caught if you have the money to spare)
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1/4 Onion
  • 1/4 Garlic
  • 1/2 Red Bell Peppers
  • 1/2 Avocado


  • Lemon & Herb
  • Black Pepper
  • Pink Salt
  • Salad Supreme
  • Onion
  • Garlic & Herb

*Please note: The majority of my meals are cooked with McCormick’s Perfect Pinch spices, because they’re the only ones that don’t have MSG. The only spices that I buy that aren’t from that brand are black pepper, onion and garlic because of my budget.

McCormick's Perfect Pinch Spices

How to cook?

For starters, make sure to wash and cut your veggies in small pieces, except for the zucchini. Instead, cut the zucchini in a spiral shape. It should end up looking like a handful of green noodles. After you’re done, spray a little bit of spray-on olive oil inside a large pan and place them there. Put the heat on medium.

While your veggies are cooking, put the salmon on a separate pan with lemon & herb, black pepper and salt seasoning on top. Put the heat on medium and let it cook throughout.

In the meantime, open the avocado in half. You’re only going to eat half of it, so place the remaining half that has the seed inside a zip-lock bag in the fridge.

Now, get back to your veggies. Add all of the seasonings I listed above as you stir the vegetables to make sure that they’re equally flavored. Don’t let your veggies get too soggy. Take them out after a couple of minutes.

Once your salmon is done, place the veggies and the salmon on a large bowl with the avocado. Mix all the ingredients together, and thank me later.

Chicken Sandwich (Manuela Style)


  • 1 Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast Fillets
  • 1 Portabella Mushroom Caps
  • 1/4 Onion
  • 1/4 Red Bell Pepper
  • 5 Arugula Leafs
  • HEB Spicy Brown Mustard


  • Onion
  • Roasted Garlic & Herb
  • Mexican (that’s what it’s called)
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Pink Salt

How to cook?

The first thing you’re going to do is slice the portabella mushroom cap in half and turn on the oven to 350 degrees. You’re going to put roasted garlic & herb and pink salt seasoning on each half of the mushroom. Also, you’re going to slice the red bell pepper as thin as possible and put it inside the each half of the mushroom by opening a small hole in the bottom. Before putting the caps inside the oven, spray a little bit of spray-on olive oil on top so that they’ll be crunchy, like a hamburger bun.

Start cooking your chicken ten minutes after you’ve put the caps inside the oven so that both ingredients can be done around the same time. You want to add mexican, black pepper, pink salt and onion seasoning on top of your chicken while it cooks.

Once both items are finished, take out the caps and put the chicken on top of one of them. Add some arugula leafs, onion and mustard on top of the chicken before closing the sandwich with the other cap.



I encourage you to try my recipes and see how you like them. I understand that not everyone likes certain vegetables, but give them a try. With the right seasoning and the right cooking formula, they can taste really good!

What are some of your special recipes?

I would love to try yours!

Love always,


PS: Featured image is not mine. Feel free to tag whoever took it! The other images are mine, so I apologize for my manicure hahahahahah.




The Reason Why You Should Do HIIT

You walk up to the treadmill with a sickening feeling in your stomach. It’s time to do cardio, and you can’t wait to get it over with. As much as you want to skip that specific portion of your workout, it has to be done. We both know it.

Although… who ever said that cardio has to be 30 minutes long?

I mean, is there a way that you can do 10-15 minutes of cardio and get the same results as if you had done it for 30 minutes?

My dear friend, let me introduce you the concept of HIIT – my favorite acronym and your saving grace.

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training

Just like the name implies, HIIT implements high intensity and low intensity workouts. The best way to understand it is to think of it like a superset of short bouts of effort followed by a brief recovery time repeated over a period of 10-20 minutes. The idea is to get your body to perform 70-80% of your max effort during the high intensity portion of your workout and 40-50% during your recovery time.

What are the benefits of HIIT?

There are numerous benefits to high intensity interval training, which is why it has gained popularity throughout the years. Some of them are…

  • Aerobic and anaerobic fitness
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Boost in metabolism due to the EPOC effect
  • Release of muscle-building hormones
  • Quick and effective

What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic fitness?

download (15)

Since most of us are not experts in our body’s chemical functionality, it’s important to understand the basic idea. Simply put, the aerobic system in your body is responsible for providing the energy your body needs during prolonged exercise, such as running on the treadmill for 40-50 minutes; whereas the anaerobic system is responsible for fueling your body during short periods of maximum effort.

As you can see, HIIT training combines both systems in an efficient manner.

What in the world is the ‘EPOC’ effect?

First of all, EPOC stands for excess post exercise oxygen consumption. In simpler terms, it’s the amount of oxygen you need to produce to ‘refill’ your oxygen tank after your workout session. Informally, it’s referred to as your body’s ‘after-burn’.

This beautiful thing is the explanation to how your body keeps burning calories long after your workout. I’m not educated enough to go into the details of how it works, but you can definitely read more about it here.

According to what I’ve read, the easiest way for you to understand the EPOC effect is by thinking of it as an algebraic equation. That is, if I tell you that x = oxygen and y = calories and they have a direct relationship, what does that mean?

Simple: the higher the amount of oxygen consumed during an activity, the higher the amount of calories burned.

When you’re exercising, your body tends to look for ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the fuel your body uses for energy. It is produced by oxygen in the aerobic or anaerobic pathways. The aerobic pathway has a greater amount of ATP stored than the anaerobic, which is why your body can last longer when performing aerobic exercises.

In the case of HIIT, while you’re doing the high intensity portion of your workout, your body tends to seek ATP in the anaerobic pathways instead of the aerobic. Since the anaerobic pathways don’t have a tremendous amount of ATP stored as the aerobic, your body undergoes an oxygen deficit. That oxygen ‘debt’ has to be repaid after your workout so that your body can go back to homeostasis, which is when the EPOC effect takes place.

How does HIIT release muscle-building hormones?

According to multiple studies, HIIT tends to increase the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) hormone.

Once again, the studies that have been done to prove the link between the two are  either conflicting or dependent on a number of factors. Therefore, I cannot tell you that HIIT will significantly boast your IGF-1, but I can tell you that in my personal experience… it has.

So, can HIIT only be done during cardio exercises?

No. Despite popular belief, HIIT can be done through high-intensity resistance training or circuit training.

Personally, I rather do circuits than sprints on a treadmill, but that’s just my preference! In fact, you can take a look at one of my previous leg day workouts. It’s based on super-sets and tri-sets, and it can act as a HIIT workout.

How about you try to build your own HIIT routine?


I really hope that you try incorporating HIIT workouts into your routine. They’re honestly the best way to maximize your workout within a short amount of time.

If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to chat, feel free to reach out!








Are You Addicted To… Sugar?

Addiction: Compulsive need for and use of habit-forming substance characterized by tolerance and well-defined psychological symptoms upon withdrawal

You’ve probably heard about people being addicted to hard-core drugs, like cocaine and heroine, or alcohol. Rarely, however, do you hear about people being addicted to sugar. After all, we all need a certain amount of sugar to survive, unlike other drugs. Furthermore, sugar comes from the food that we eat, so there’s no way that it can be compared to something as harmful as heroine… right?


It turns out that excessive sugar consumption creates your dopamine levels to elevate, much like tobacco and morphine. As you continue to satisfy your sweet-tooth, your need for sugar will increase over time, which means that you’ll need to consume higher doses to feel satisfied. Now that is quite a vicious cycle.

Keep in mind that sugar – as it’s consumed in small quantities – is not a huge concern. The problem is that most of us have simply exceeded the amount of sugar that we should be eating.

Is sugar really addictive?

Several studies have been done over the years to showcase the effects of sugar as it relates to the human addiction. Unfortunately, the majority of those studies either contradict one another or are inconclusive.

On one hand, some studies suggest that sugar addiction is a psychological dependency instead of a biochemical one. In other words, such studies claim that it’s up to you to rationally decide whether or not you eat sugar. It’s not something that your body is telling you that you need to have.On the other hand, several studies claim the complete opposite.

Although I can’t prove with a 100% certainty that sugar is addictive, I want you to ask you to refer back to the definition I wrote about addiction at the top of this page. Then, ask yourself the following questions…

Does your body crave something sweet the majority of the day?

After you get those cravings, is it easy to ignore them?

Or do you eventually give in and satisfy them?

Whenever you don’t eat sugar, do you feel odd? Out of energy? Moody? Anxious?

If the answer is yes, you might want to reevaluate your sugar intake.

How do I battle my sugar addiction?

Well, don’t try anything too dramatic, such as eliminating all types of sugar from your diet. Instead, try to change your eating habits on a daily basis. Start by substituting artificial sweets for healthier ones. Then, reduce those healthy sweets to the point where you’re eating the set amount that your body actually needs.

If you’re having cravings, I suggest you read one of my previous blogs about satisfying them in a healthier manner.

How do I know if a food item has sugar?

I know that it’s time consuming, but please read the nutrition facts of the food that you’re buying. The majority of foods will not have ‘sugar’ listed. You see, companies are smart, so they know how that if they list sugar as one of the ingredients… you probably won’t buy.

Instead, companies like to add words like brown rice syrup and dextrose, which is basically sugar.

Here is a list of ingredients you should look at to differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sugars.

download (14)

So, should I eat fruit instead?

Even though fruit is a healthier option, it’s still sugar.

It bothers me when people think they’re doing the right thing by eating two or three apples instead of a couple of cookies. In reality, they’re not changing anything. They’re still consuming a large amount of sugar that’s probably going to end up as weight gain.

If I experience sugar withdrawals, what do I do?

Give it a little time.

Your body is going to take some time to adjust to the changes. It’s normal to feel out of sorts, because you’re not feeding your body the high-levels of sugar that it’s used to. If you’re truly not feeling well, speak to your doctor… but keep in mind that it’s all part of the detox process.

To conclude…

I truly hope you learned a little bit more about sugar through this blog post. Sugar can be addictive. Trust me, I’ve experienced it first-hand. Just like everything else, if it’s not consumed in moderation, it can affect how you feel and how your body functions.

What is your personal experience with sugar? Do you crave it? Have you been able to get rid of it?

I want to know!




How to Get Rid of Under-Butt Cellulite

One thing that I used to struggle with when I was younger was that horrible under-butt cellulite. I used to think that the amount of cellulite in my body was directly correlated with my weight, but then I started noticing that women who were much smaller than me were suffering from it too. So, what exactly is cellulite?

In its most basic definition, cellulite stands for those fat deposits that tend to cause dimpling in your skin by pushing through connective tissue. Unfortunately, women are more prone to have cellulite than men. Furthermore, the appearance of cellulite has to do with a number of factors that go beyond your weight, such as genetics, hormones and so on.

Let me just say that cellulite has to be one of the most annoying things ever, because we all want to have smooth skin throughout. Personally, I can’t afford cellulite treatments and I don’t believe in pills that claim to get rid of it. The only way I know how to battle cellulite is through exercise that targets those areas that I’m struggling with.

Let’s talk about under-butt cellulite.

As you all know, I’m quad-dominant. Every time I had leg day, I would spend most of my time working my quads rather than spending an equal amount of effort on my hamstrings. By neglecting my hamstrings, I failed to target my under-butt cellulite. After a couple of weeks of trying the same routine and not seeing any changes, I decided to split my leg workouts into 1) quad day and 2) hamstring day, which would allow me to focus more on my troubled areas.

I highly encourage all of you that suffer from under-butt cellulite to try devoting an entire workout session to your hamstrings. You have no idea how much of a difference it makes for your body. Although exercise won’t get rid of your cellulite overnight, it will certainly make a difference.

Here are some of my favorite exercises on hamstring day to target your under-butt cellulite.

  1. Stiff-legged dead lifts (absolute favorite)
  2. Single-leg dead lift
  3. Lying leg-curl
  4. Cable kick-backs
  5. Laying leg-press
  6. Lunge kick-back
  7. Lying dumbbell hamstring-curl
  8. Kneeling hamstring leg-curl (if you happen to have one in your gym, USE IT!)

Next time you have leg day, spend some time emphasizing your hamstrings. I know we’re all guilty of devoting most of our leg day to squats, but let’s try to balance our workout between quads and hammies. It will make a difference, trust me.



Get Over Your Laziness & Go To The Gym!

As much as I love the gym, I’m not always motivated to go.

Some days, I get home from work exhausted. All that I want at the moment is my bed, some food and Netflix. Other days, I’m out simply enjoying life with my family and friends, but I don’t have a gym nearby. Basically, life tends to get in the way of my workouts. It happens.

Ideally, I would love to be well-rested, in a good mood and have a decent amount of energy to get the most out of my workout. As we all know, that’s hardly ever the case. Our mood and energy level fluctuates depending on several factors that are most likely out of our control. Still… we have to get our workouts in, one way or another.

Being tired is not an excuse to miss your workout. If I can drag my butt to the gym after pulling an all-nighter, working two shifts in a row and driving back-and-forth between Austin and San Antonio, you can get your butt to the gym after school.

Now, that’s not to say that if you feel ill or extremely exhausted you should go to the gym. There are limits. Obviously, you have to listen to your body… but being ‘tired’ doesn’t cut it for me.

I get that we all need a little motivation sometimes, so here’s what I usually do to get myself off the couch and into the gym.

Instagram Fit-Inspiration

Most of the people I follow on Instagram are fitness-oriented, so I get a decent amount of workout videos and ab selfies throughout my timeline. To be quite honest, I don’t usually check Instagram because I always end up comparing my body to others, thereby discouraging my personal progress. However, whenever I need an additional push to get myself to the gym, I’ll go look at it.

Killer Playlist

As an all-natural athlete, I don’t take supplements. I avoid things that people use as pre-workout or anything else that’s not actual food. As a result, I had to find a way to get ‘pumped’ to crush my workout somehow.

Typically, I’ll listen to a killer playlist to get my mood right. You all know that I’m a huge fan of reggeaton, EDM and rap. I don’t know whether it’s my Latina blood or just who I am, but music just does the trick for me. It gets me in my zone.

Remind yourself of your goals

There’s nothing that’s going to motivate you more than your actual goals. Sometimes we forget what we’re working towards, so make sure that you remind yourself why you’re doing this. Think about where you want to be and how you’ll get there. Remind yourself that a workout that lasts only an hour can get you way closer to your goal.

For example, here are some GOALS.

It’s all about mind over matter.

Well, that’s usually what gets me going. Hopefully, it’ll help you out.

Once I’m in the gym and I start my workout, I just get in my zone and get it done. I have yet to regret a single workout.





Spring Break Dream Body

As you all know, spring break is upon us.

To be quite honest, we’re all excited to take a break from school to enjoy the sun with our friends and drink a beer or two. Now, don’t get too excited. It’s all fun and games until we realize that our body isn’t in top-notch shape after we try on those cute bikinis at Victoria Secret. Suddenly, all we can think about is losing those extra pounds before we hit the beach.

After trying some pretty desperate measures, such as wearing sweatsuits, starving and going to the gym three-times a day, we finally give up. There’s just no way that we can be bikini-ready in that short amount of time. If we had just started dieting a bit sooner, maybe, just maybe… we could’ve achieved our goal. So, why didn’t we?

I don’t know what it is about special occasions like spring break or New Year’s that make us want to look our best. I mean, shouldn’t we want to look like that ALL the time? I believe so. I understand that for some reason, people tend to get an extra-dose of motivation during those holidays, but honestly… it never lasts. They’ll go to the gym a week straight and then ‘reward’ themselves by skipping a couple of days thereafter.

It’s a vicious cycle.

You have to understand that the additional weight you’ve put on within the past couple of months won’t vanish within the next couple of days. I don’t care what the Kardashians or some TV ad tells you, losing weight is a process that’s accomplished by putting in work and being patient. You have to start prepping your body beforehand. Stop trying to find an easy-fix or a quick way to achieve your dreams.

Once you started reading this, you probably thought I was going to give you “6 tips to a spring break body,” or some other b.s. people try to sell you on. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint but I haven’t discovered such a magic trick yet. All I can tell you is that you’ll eventually get the body you desire NATURALLY through a healthy diet, constant exercise and weightlifting.

It might be too late for you to get those abs in a week, but it’s not too late to start working on your summer body. Take next week as motivation for what you want to look like. Start today. You don’t need a special holiday to motivate you. It’s all about mind over matter.

I hope you enjoy your spring break. I truly do. I hope you’re happy with enough with your body to show it off, but just in case you’re not… that’s completely fine. You have time to make a change. It’s all about choosing when to start and not giving up.




Travel Must-Haves for a Health-Nut

I love to go out with my family and friends to explore new places. In my opinion, nothing can compare to having some quality time with the people that you love in a new environment.

Even though I love to travel, I hate the hassle that comes with packing, figuring out where to eat and not knowing whether or not they’ll be a gym I can go to. Honestly, there’s always the issue of wanting to see the world, yet doing my every-day routine like I’ve never left home. I get that the point of traveling is to try new things, but we all like to stick to the patterns we’ve developed over time.

As a health-nut, our nature is to be picky.

We’re picky about where we eat, what we do, what time we go to the gym and so on.

So, instead of being a pain in the ass to the group of people that I’m traveling with, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a traveling three-item check list of the things that I need to enjoy my time while taming my OCD.

First and foremost on the list is meal prepping. Yes, you do need to pack your meals, because you don’t want to be that person that is whining about being hungry or not liking the restaurant everyone else wants to go to. Do your friends a favor and pack your stuff ahead of time. I’m pretty sure your friends don’t want to eat vegetables during a camping trip, so save yourself a headache and take your food with you.

Moving on to the next item on the list, let’s talk about your workout. Now, depending on where you are, you’ll have to either 1) be prepared to do some type of outdoor workout or 2) look up a gym nearby ahead of time. If you’re going to be outdoors most of the time, bring some bands with you for an outdoor HIIT session. If you’re going to be near a gym, schedule your time so that you get your workout in when your group doesn’t have any plans or whenever they’re asleep.

Lastly, create a killer playlist. Your friends might be amazing, but trust me… some of their music choices are going to annoy you. Traveling without good music is just boring. Don’t give your friends an excuse to plug in their phone filled with 90’s music.

I know this all sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised how many of us complain about traveling due to the hassles that come with it. I hope you take these tips with you and enjoy your time. Don’t let simple things like your schedule get in the way of spending quality time with the people that you love.



Healthy Desserts For Your Cravings

No matter how fit or health conscious we are, we all experience cravings.

Cravings are like those strong emotions that come and go depending on your mood and your day. Sometimes, you can go a whole two weeks without wanting that cookies & cream ice cream that you have in the freezer. Other times, however, there’s no one that can stop you from eating the entire thing. We’re all human beings, so we’re bound to have some days where we just want to lay on the couch with whatever dessert we feel like having and enjoy a movie.

Personally, I get my worst cravings after a long day or at night time. If I’ve worked none stop throughout the day, the last thing I want to do is go home and eat some broccoli. Lately, every day for me seems like a long day, which is why I’ve had to figured out a way to get rid of my cravings without getting rid of my abs in the process.

As a result, I’ve taken it upon myself to write a few suggestions of healthy desserts I enjoy having so that you can too lay on the couch, eat your feelings and not feel guilty about it. Now, that doesn’t mean that you get a free pass to eat the entire jar of almond butter. What it means is that you may enjoy one or even two servings without breaking the scale.

Here are the foods I recommend when you’re emotional, hungry and careless.

Air Popped Organic Yellow Popcorn


I don’t know if you all are aware that supermarkets like HEB sell bags of organic yellow popcorn for two dollars and a few cents. Also, I don’t know if you’re aware that such bags have 20 calories per serving when they’re air popped.


For this to be a healthy snack, it must be air popped!

The thing with popcorn is that I’m a strong believer in having a snack while enjoying your favorite show, so being able to eat a whole bowl of popcorn guilt-free throughout your show is an amazing feeling.

Plain Rice Cakes With One Serving of Sunflower Butter & Blueberries/Banana


As you probably know, rice cakes are fit people’s toast. So, if you’re in the mood for a peanut butter jelly sandwich, I recommend making two rice cakes with sunflower and blueberries. Your tummy will thank you.

Plain Oatmeal & Powdered Peanut Butter

If you’re in the mood for some carbs but are extremely hungry, I advice you to eat oatmeal.If you don’t already know, oatmeal fills you up like no other. I can hardly move after I’ve eaten my bowl!

You want to get the plain oatmeal so that you’re not eating any additional sugar. I know plain oatmeal has been criticized for being ‘tasteless’ but don’t worry, there’s a reason why we add two servings of powdered peanut butter. If you happen to swing by TJ MAXX or Marshalls, stop by the food section. They offer different flavors of the powdered peanut butter at a great price.

Protein Frappe


If you happen to own one of those fancy blenders that can make slushies and such,  I recommend having a protein frappe. I tend to make mine by using some unsweetened cashew milk, 100 calories whey protein, powdered peanut butter and ice…. lots of ice. If you’re a coffee girl like me, I know you’ll enjoy this.

Butters: Pistachio, Sunflower, Almond, Cashew & Peanut Butter


I have to admit that I love my butters. They’re the most delicious thing ever, but you do have to be careful because they tend to get addicting. I promise you that after your first serving, you’ll want more … so get as far as you can from the pantry!

You can mix them with whatever you want or you can have a spoonful after your meal. Either way, they’ll give you all the sweetness you’re craving.

Now, go try some of my suggestions and let me know which one is your favorite!




Supplements vs. Nutrients

Every time I go on social media, I notice fitness influencers trying to endorse some kind of supplement or product. Mind you, these people are being paid to show you a product that might or might not work for you. Fitness companies are capitalizing on the fact that millennials are suddenly on a health kick, so they’re creating more and more supplements that are supposed to help people meet their goals.

However, have you ever wondered if supplements are even worth buying?

You should buy supplements if you’re unable to consume a certain food that’s needed for your diet. If you are always on the go and don’t get enough protein throughout the day, feel free to buy some whey protein powder.

Now let me ask you this… if you actually have time to sit down and eat your protein, why do you buy protein supplements? When do you decide how much protein is enough? Yes, your muscles need a sufficient amount of protein to grow, but if you’re eating more than enough, why do you need the supplement?

Nowadays you have supplements like fat-burners, pre-workout, BCAAs etc. Do you have any idea what those things do to body? Granted, you might be shredded on the outside but how are you underneath all that muscle?

I had a friend that used to take countless supplements on a daily basis. His supplements were the same ones must people consume to build muscle. Even though he looked great on the outside, his body felt off for some reason. He went to get checked out by a doctor who told him how his organism had been affected by his supplement use.

Now, I’m not saying that supplements are bad and worthless. What I am saying is that you have to be careful with which supplements you consume, in what amounts and for what purpose. Ask yourself whether or not you really need that supplement and if there’s a way to get it the natural way – by eating.

You see, food is the best supplement there is.

Mother nature has given us all the nutrients we’ll ever need for our body to function to the best of its ability.


If you need additional help to meet your fitness goals, that’s fine. Purchase the supplements that you need instead of buying everything that’s recommended. Your body might react differently depending on what you put in it, so don’t take other people’s advice on how to take care of it.




Meal Prep Is Key!

If your excuse for eating unhealthy is that you simply don’t have time to cook, your excuse is invalid.

Living a busy life means that we don’t prioritize things that don’t need our immediate attention. We tell ourselves that some things can wait, or that we’ll figure them out once we have a little more time to get them done.

One of the things that we tend to shove to the side is food, since it’s available everywhere at any time. If we’re short on time, we can always stop by our favorite drive-through, order what we want and be on our way… RIGHT? Well, yes and no. I dare you to stop and ask yourself if eating junk food bring you any closer to  your fitness goals.

The answer is NO.

If your excuse for eating unhealthy is that you simply don’t have time to cook, your excuse is invalid.

Personally, I don’t have time to cook every day. My day is pretty much packed from the moment I wake up, but I still manage to eat healthy. How is that? Well, my brother taught me the beauty of something called ‘Meal Prepping.’ If you don’t already know how to meal prep, let me walk you through it. It’s literally going to change your life.

Every Saturday, my mom and I go grocery shopping. Once we get home with the fresh produce that we just bought, we put all the proteins, veggies and nuts that need to be weighed and sectioned in the counter-top near the sink along with some zip-lock bags.

If you’ve ever bought ground or lean meat and chicken you know that it’s usually sold in one big container/bag/box. Therefore, you have to section your food so that the calories match the serving size you’re going to consume. What I mean is that even though the nutrition facts tell you how many calories a certain food has, it’s important to note that the calories are according to the food’s serving size. They’re NOT for the entire bag you just bought.

For example, let’s say that the lean-ground meat you just bought has 147 calories per 112 grams serving size. Now, you bought 336 grams of meat in total so… in those 336 grams you have three servings, each having 147 calories. The calories for the entire 336 grams of meat you purchased are 441, not 147. Makes sense?

Anyway, once you’ve sectioned your food according to its serving size, you can either prepare it or store it for later use.

I like to prepare my  protein (salmon, tilapia, turkey meat or red-ground meat) on Sundays, so I don’t have to worry about it the rest of the week. The reason why I don’t like to prepare my veggies ahead of time is because they don’t taste the same. Besides, I like to mix and match my veggie bowls depending on what I’m in the mood for that day, so it’s better to leave them in the fridge until I decide what to make.


In regards to carbs, my diet tends to be high protein, high fat and low carbs. I don’t really worry about carbohydrates unless I want to eat something specific, like an oven-baked sweet potato. Whenever I do have carbs, I tend to stick with canned kidney beans, oatmeal, pretzels and rice cakes. Nothing too complex.

By having my protein cooked and everything else ready to go, my meals are pretty much done for the entire week. I just grab a protein container off the fridge, add some veggies and a 28 g. bag of nuts of my choosing from the pantry and I’m all set.

It’ easy, quick and painless. Trust me, your body will thank you for cooking ahead of time. Not only is it healthier for you, but it also saves you all that money that you’re used to spending on junk food.

