Travel Must-Haves for a Health-Nut

I love to go out with my family and friends to explore new places. In my opinion, nothing can compare to having some quality time with the people that you love in a new environment.

Even though I love to travel, I hate the hassle that comes with packing, figuring out where to eat and not knowing whether or not they’ll be a gym I can go to. Honestly, there’s always the issue of wanting to see the world, yet doing my every-day routine like I’ve never left home. I get that the point of traveling is to try new things, but we all like to stick to the patterns we’ve developed over time.

As a health-nut, our nature is to be picky.

We’re picky about where we eat, what we do, what time we go to the gym and so on.

So, instead of being a pain in the ass to the group of people that I’m traveling with, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a traveling three-item check list of the things that I need to enjoy my time while taming my OCD.

First and foremost on the list is meal prepping. Yes, you do need to pack your meals, because you don’t want to be that person that is whining about being hungry or not liking the restaurant everyone else wants to go to. Do your friends a favor and pack your stuff ahead of time. I’m pretty sure your friends don’t want to eat vegetables during a camping trip, so save yourself a headache and take your food with you.

Moving on to the next item on the list, let’s talk about your workout. Now, depending on where you are, you’ll have to either 1) be prepared to do some type of outdoor workout or 2) look up a gym nearby ahead of time. If you’re going to be outdoors most of the time, bring some bands with you for an outdoor HIIT session. If you’re going to be near a gym, schedule your time so that you get your workout in when your group doesn’t have any plans or whenever they’re asleep.

Lastly, create a killer playlist. Your friends might be amazing, but trust me… some of their music choices are going to annoy you. Traveling without good music is just boring. Don’t give your friends an excuse to plug in their phone filled with 90’s music.

I know this all sounds pretty simple, but you’d be surprised how many of us complain about traveling due to the hassles that come with it. I hope you take these tips with you and enjoy your time. Don’t let simple things like your schedule get in the way of spending quality time with the people that you love.

