How to Target Your Glutes

After years of training, I’ve finally realized that working my legs is not the same as working my glutes. Think about it, when you do squats are you emphasizing your glutes and nothing else? Absolutely not. In fact, you’re probably working your quads more so than any other body part.

As you can see, most of your leg-day routine concentrates on your quads and your hamstrings. Now, I’m not saying that you aren’t working your glutes. What I am saying is that you’re not targeting them as much as you could.

Based on my own personal experience, I recommend that you do two ‘leg-days’ weekly – one that is heavy-weight quads and hammies and the other that is light-weight glutes and plyometrics. By doing two ‘leg-days’ instead of one, you’re able to focus on two muscles instead of an entire area. Also, you’ll find that you have more energy and time to spend on each exercise.

Why do you do plyometrics on leg-day? 

Many of you are probably wondering why I’ve incorporated plyometrics into my routine. After all, isn’t plyometrics another way to say that we’re doing cardio? Actually, yes and no.

To clarify, whenever I reference ‘plyometrics’, I’m referring to movements like jump squats, scissors, banded lunges, box-jumps etc. As you can imagine, by doing these types of exercises you’ll be using your body weight to work your legs and increase your heart rate, which is why I incorporate them into my routine. Those exercises have helped to sculpt both my butt and my legs like no other. Most importantly, they’re a great way to get my cardio, as I would much rather do jump-squats than run for half a mile.

man and woman doing box jumps, a type of plyometric exercise
Image found on Google by Top Notch

Light-weight glutes and plyometrics workout 

If you’ve been following my posts for a while, you know that I love to do compound and super sets. That being said, I like to perform a traditional glute exercise followed by a plyometrics move. Why? Well, I simply feel that my body gets that extra burn that I wouldn’t get otherwise.  Trust me, you’ll feel the same way once you’ve tried it.

Here is what you’ll need for this workout:

  • Resistance bands (get the ones that are meant for your legs not the ones with handles on the sides)
  • Enough space to move around
  • Box (or anything else you can jump up and down on)
  • Barbell
  • Couple of dumbbells

Okay, do you have everything you need? If so, let’s begin.

1. Light-weight, barbell sumo deadlift + body-weight Bulgarian split squats (back-to-back) – 15 x 4

When doing the sumo deadlift

What I mean by ‘light-weight’ is for you to use a weight that you can control. For some of you, that may be 10 lbs while for others that may be 60 lbs. To be clear, I don’t want you to try to max out or show off. Instead, I want you to be able to focus on the muscle and make sure that you’re pushing through your heel and your glutes. I’ve discovered that by doing them elevated on a smith machine, I’m able to control both my form and the movement much better.

P.S. I’ve discovered that by doing the sumo squats elevated on a smith machine, I’m able to control both my form and the movement much better.

Now, for the Bulgarian split squats

Make sure your knee doesn’t go past your toes. You want to balance yourself on your front leg. I like to add a little hop/jump as I’m doing them (much like doing scissors).

2. Landmine squats + banded monster walks – 15 x 4

Once again, make sure the plate that you’re using for the landmine squat is light enough that you can control but heavy enough to add challenge to the exercise. As soon as you’ve loaded the landmine with the weight that you want to use, you’re going to pick up the bar with both hands, place it in front of you (maybe push it against your chest for balance) and squat. Remember to push through your heels and squeeze your glutes at the top.

For the banded monster walks, place the band around your ankles. Personally, I like to use the one with 40 lbs resistance, but you can choose whichever you feel comfortable with. Once you’ve done that, you’ll do monster walks. It’s quite simple and super effective.

3. Courtesy lunges + box jumps – 20 x 4

For the courtesy lunges, I want you to be able to feel the burn. You should feel that the leg that’s in front of you is holding most of your weight.

*With the box jumps, be careful how you land!

4. Cable kickbacks + Scissors – 15 x 4

Okay, so this is a good one!


I always see girls trying to do cable kickbacks with 40 or 50 lbs. Even though that’s quite impressive, most of the time they’re not doing them right. In fact, they tend to feed off the momentum by swinging their leg around. What I recommend is for you to truly lower the weight so you can squeeze your glutes when you kick back and hold the position for a few seconds. Trust me, it will burn!

*Scissors = pretty self-explanatory

5. Kneeling Squats + Box Jumps + Banded squat jumps – 12 x 4

*Self-explanatory (leave me a comment if you want to know more!)

6. Cool-down = 15 min stairs!!!!

This is my own, self-made routine, so I can’t wait for you to try!



If you liked this article, you might enjoy: Leg Day Vibes, How to Get Rid Of Under-Butt Celullite



Natural Skin Care Secrets That Will Change Your Life

I’m envious of people that can eat whatever they want and wash their face whenever they please without getting a single breakout.

I mean, I really don’t understand how someone like me, a person who sticks to a daily skin-routine, wears sunscreen and eats healthy, can get a gigantic breakout by sneezing at the wrong time while people that do absolutely nothing to take care of their skin look like Julianne Hough. Situations like these are ones that make me question the kind of world we live in.

It’s just not fair.

To make sure that you’re not being misguided, I do want you to know that my skin has never been ‘bad.’ In fact, I don’t break out often but whenever I do… it’s horrific! I get those ginormous zits that are impossible to cover up. To make things even worst, I have the whitest skin that you can imagine, so all my red pimples are noticeable from a mile away.

After years of careful examination, I’ve determined that the problem with my skin is that it reflects every minor change in my lifestyle. For example, if I eat a bag of gummy worms when I haven’t eaten processed sugar in a while, my skin will show. If I’m stressed out about an exam or a deadline, my skin will reflect that. I seriously can’t get away with anything.

Also, I’ve noticed that my skin is extremely sensitive. It will scar easily under the sun or with processed facial scrubs. So, knowing that I can’t use supermarket products to cleanse my skin, I’ve turned to natural solutions that have worked extremely well for me.

If you’ve been nodding throughout this blog and can relate to my situation because you’ve been there, I suggest that you try the following items…

Skin-Care Must-Haves 

  • Raw African Black Soap (Bar or Paste)
  • Moisturizing Tea Tree Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil Scrub
  • Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider
  • Water & Healthy Diet

African Black Soap

I came across this item recently after reading an article online. Once I’ve read the reviews and watched a couple of YouTube videos, I decided to give it a try. Thank God that I did because this product is LIT!


African Black Soap Raw Paste, Image via Ebay


To give you the rundown, I use this product twice a day (morning & night time). If you get the paste (like me), put a little bit in the palm of your hand with some water, rub your hands together until it turns to soap and then wash your face throughout. The black soap dries your skin tremendously, so make sure to moisturize!

Moisturizing Tea Tree Oil & Scrub

I’ve been using tea tree oil as a moisturizer and spot treatment for a while. For my kind of skin, it has worked extremely well. Recently, I found the tea tree oil scrub at ULTA (yes, it’s a bit pricey but so worth it), which I’ve been using to exfoliate once a week.

Baking Soda and Apple Cider

I like to use baking soda every now and then to exfoliate once a week. I tend to limit my use of it because it tends to dry my skin more than I would like. Regarding the apple cider, I use it as a toner!

Water & Healthy Diet

Meal of avocado, eggs, tomatoes, asparagus, celery and beacon.

I don’t know about you, but once I cleaned up my diet and switched from soda to water, my skin cleared up. Obviously, there’s only so much a healthy diet can do for your hormonal breakouts, but it really does help lighten up your skin. It makes it look hydrated and rejuvenated, so I highly recommend making changes in your lifestyle if you’re skin is not as great as you’d like it to be.

Have you tried any of the items I listed?

What tends to work for your skin?

Let me know! I’m always looking for new goodies to try.



If you liked this article, you might enjoy Stressing Out, Breaking Out & Freaking Out, Skin-Care and Nutrition Go Hand-in-Hand, How to Nail Your Diet, Supplements vs. Vitamins

#1 Reason Why You Can’t See Your Abs

“I don’t understand what’s going on. I train my abs EVERY DAY but I still can’t see them!”

You’d be surprised how many people fail at getting a six-pack by doing hundreds of crunches. Those poor, misguided souls think that by doing fancy abdominal exercises, they’ll be able to have Zac Efron’s Baywatch torso. Unfortunately, it turns out that training isn’t the only factor that’s required to getting visible abs.

Before we dive deeper into that statement, let me ask you something…

Have you ever seen a man or a woman that doesn’t do any targeted abdominal workouts but has a six-pack?

I know you have, so how do you explain that?

Well, there might be a couple of reasons why…

  1. They have a low body-fat percentage
  2. They’re involved in a sport that works their core
  3. They have a clean diet
  4. They consistently burn more calories than what they consume

That being said, what do you think is the #1 reason why you’re not seeing your abs?

Your diet isn’t as clean as it should be

I know what you’re thinking.

I, too, have seen people who are shredded that eat like crap. In fact, those people are all over social media preaching the ‘if it fits your macros’ (IIFYM) philosophy. It’s easy to be tricked into thinking that your eating habits don’t have to change for your body to change.

If it fits your macros fitness meme

So, to clear some things up, the first thing that I want you to understand is that the IIFYM philosophy is based on a 90/10 or an 80/20 diet.

What that means is that those people that take a picture of their pizza on Instagram and title it ‘if it fits your macros’ are only showing you 10 or 20% of their diet. Truth is, the majority of their meals are extremely healthy, so don’t be fooled into thinking that’s all they eat. Also, keep in mind that most people who are involved in bodybuilding competitions drink multiple supplements to speed up their metabolism.

Bottom line is, you can’t base your diet and lifestyle on people that you see only on social media. You need to clean up your diet to get the abs you want.

Now that I’ve cleaned up my diet, what do I do to get well-defined abs?

Once your diet is on point, it’s time to start training your abs to get the definition you seek. The best ab routine you can do is one that incorporates both low weight, high reps and high weight, low reps exercises. Also, you need to find a routine that targets each section of your abdomen.

Shredded Woman, Image via TumblrLadies, keep in mind that by using weight when performing ab exercises, you’ll develop a thicker waist. Your body will probably end up looking a bit square because your obliques will stick out and your abs will expand. Now, don’t take this as a sign to eliminate weight-training from your ab workouts. Simply be on the lookout for how your body reacts to them.

Regarding exercises, the ones I highly recommend are planks and stomach vacuum!


Do you have an ab routine you’d like to share?

How did you get your abs?

Feel free to comment below!



If you enjoyed this article, you might like The Truth About Abs, How to Nail Your Diet & The Reason Why You Should Do HIIT

How to Nail Your Diet

What does dieting mean to you?

Do you cringe at the thought of eating lettuce and broccoli for the next few months?

Are you anxious about being hungry and a pain in the ass to everyone around you?

Do you think that you won’t be able to enjoy yourself?

Well, I’m happy to say that you’re not alone. In fact, whenever you mention that you’re on a diet, most people will feel sorry for you. In their minds, there’s an image of an empty plate with a pea-size chicken breast and some broccoli in the middle. Now that’s what I call a depressing scenario!

I’m sorry but whoever decided to make dieting synonymous with hunger, deprivation, and sadness is a moron. The thing is… diets are not restrictive in nature. Society has simply made them that way. Diets can be delicious, exciting and progressive if you open your mind to different possibilities.


What Diet Should I Follow?

The best diet for you is the one that you can stick to. If you love to eat carbs, don’t try a diet that doesn’t allow you to eat any. It’s not that you don’t have the power of will to do so, but I simply want you to avoid the binge-like behavior.

How many people do you know that eat healthy the entire day but end up consuming their body weight at night? Believe me, there’s way too many to count.

How Can I Make My Meals Taste Good?

I now pronounce you Mr. or Ms. Ratatouille.

Yes, you are now a chef. A very creative, resourceful, talented human being that knows how to combine different foods and spices to create an unworldly dish. One of your best qualities is the fact that you’re able to use the same four ingredients to create four different meals that taste completely different.

Hint: All you need are four different spices

Most people don’t know this, but the easiest way to stick to your diet, in the long run, is by liking what you eat. If you’re craving BBQ, buy some BBQ seasoning and marinate your chicken breast with it. What I want you to understand is that you don’t need to buy junk food to get the flavor you seek.

How Can I Stay Full On A Diet?

Simple, don’t waste your calories on calorie-dense foods. Instead, seek foods that are low-calorie and high volume.

One of the best examples that I love to use is oatmeal. Technically, oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods that you can have,  but it has a lot of calories and carbohydrates per serving. That being said, one serving of oatmeal will not fill you up. Let’s be honest, you’ll probably want an entire bowl (three servings on average). Trust me, I’ve gone overboard with my oatmeal too many times.

What I suggest is to eat high volume foods, like cabbage and broccoli, and drink lots of water. Not only do those foods have very little calories per serving, but they also fill you up like no other. I dare you to eat a bowl of broccoli and chug a water bottle, and then try telling me that you’re still hungry.

Don’t Think Of It As A Diet

Like I said, the term ‘diet’ has a whole lot of negativity behind it. It implies that you’re trying to change yourself because you’re not happy with how you look. Although that may be true, a successful diet is one that is seen as a change in lifestyle.

Think of it this way…

You’re going on a diet because you want to change your life. You want to become a better version of yourself. You want to be confident and vibrant. You want to be the best you can be.

One last thing…


It took a while for you to gain the weight, so don’t expect to lose it within a few weeks. Be patient and kind with yourself.



P.S. Remember to subscribe!

If you liked this article, you might enjoy: 5 Ways to Slim Down Your Thighs, Lean-Out Grocery List + Meal Menu


5 Ways to Slim-Down Your Thighs

Before you jump to any conclusions and eliminate leg days from your routine, know that there is a way to tone them without growing them.


To be quite honest, my fitness journey began with the desire to grow and tone my butt. Forget about having toned arms or a nice back. All I wanted was a peachy behind.

*insert cliche here*

At the time, I didn’t know what I was doing or what my workout routine was supposed to look like. So, as any resourceful girl would’ve done, I started Googling exercises and watching YouTube videos to create my own workouts.

As I kept researching ‘glute exercises,’ I noticed that the majority of articles cited heavy-weight squats as the best way to accomplish what I wanted, which is why I started to squat three times a week. Does that sound excessive? If so, let me just say that I’m one of those people that once I set my mind to something, I do anything and everything I can to accomplish it.

Needless to say, after a few months of squatting, my butt grew!

Now, hold your excitement for a second… Even though my butt grew, so did my thighs!

Picture of a man's thighs while running on an empty road

Before you say anything, I know it’s logical to assume that the more I worked my legs, the more my thighs were going to grow. However, I wasn’t expecting them to look like the thighs of a Sumo wrestler. I knew my routine had to change or else I would have to say goodbye to shorts, skirts, and mini-dresses forever.

5 Ways to Slim Down Your Thighs

Before you jump to any conclusions and eliminate leg days from your routine, know that there is a way to tone them without growing them.


  1. Considerably lower the weight on your squats & make sure that you’re going all the way down to emphasize your glutes instead of your butt
  2. Lunges, body-weight movements, and plyo exercises are your friend
  4. Make use of the abductor machine
  5. Perform glute-focused exercises (leave your quads alone!)

Despite popular belief, you don’t have to stop squatting or lifting weights to slim down your thighs.

All you have to do is to be conscious of what you’re lifting, what body part you’re emphasizing with each exercise and how you can tailor your workout routine to match your goals.

Female doing rope squats with the TRX Cables

I will say that slimming down my thighs was harder than I thought because it was easier for me to gain the muscle than losing it.  It might take some time to get to where you want to be but it is possible!

Do you want me to a ‘slimming your thighs’ workout routine? I’d be happy to share mine!



P.S. Remember to SUBSCRIBE! 

If you liked this article, you might enjoy: How to Get Rid-Off Under-Butt Cellulite, Plyometrics 101 Summer: Bikini Prep Quick Tips




Quick, 10-Minutes, Post-Workout Veggie Bowl

This morning, I received a handful of questions about the veggie bowl that I posted on my Instagram story. Being a woman of the people, I thought it’d be a good idea to write a quick blog detailing the recipe for my meal so that you could try it out sometime this weekend.

Now, for all of you who don’t follow me on social media or have recently joined my channel, let me loop you in.

It’s common knowledge that I prefer to go to the gym as soon as I finish my morning coffee. I like to workout on an empty stomach because I tend to experience really bad acid reflux. Given that the majority of my workouts are either HIIT or plyometrics-based, I can’t afford to throw up in the middle of a session.  That being the case, I usually have my first meal post-workout around nine a.m.

Today’s post-workout meal was a zucchini-based, tilapia veggie bowl.



  • 1 serving of tilapia
  • 110 grams of zucchini
  • 3 handfuls of chopped mushrooms
  • 1 cup chopped red bell peppers
  • 2 handfuls of chopped onions
  • 1/2 avocado


  • Garlic & Herb
  • Onion
  • Pink Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Lemon & Herb
  • Small hint of white cooking wine


Before we begin, please take some time to chop your vegetables. I can guarantee you that it’s going to be much easier to cook when you have all your ingredients ready to go.

  1. Place a saucepan on the stove at a high temperature. Once the surface is warm (approximately 40 seconds), lower the temperature and spray olive oil
  2. Put the vegetables (zucchinni, onions, mushrooms and red bell peppers) inside the saucepan
  3. Pour a little bit of white wine on top of the vegetables and let it simmer for four minutes
  4. As soon as the vegetables look like they’ve softened, add the seasoning and let it sit for approximately six-seven minutes
  5. While you’re waiting on the vegetables, get a smaller saucepan for the tilapia and put the heat on medium
  6. Spray the bottom of the tilapia with olive oil and put it into the smaller saucepan
  7. Flip the tilapia over once it’s cooked on the bottom and add pink salt, black pepper and garlic & herb seasoning on top
  8. Get a small avocado and split it in half
  9. Put all the ingredients in a big bowl and ENJOY!

Before I let you go and practice this fabulous recipe, I do want to address the elephant in the room. I realize that I haven’t been writing as much as usual, so I want to explain. I earn my living by writing blogs and content for other companies, which means that I barely have time to write content for myself. This past couple of week has been crazy, but I’m happy to tell you that I’ve made it a priority to write for you guys more often.

I am heading to Colombia this weekend, so I’m excited to write authentic Colombian recipes and new work-out routines while I’m there.

Thank you for sticking around. The best is yet to come!



If you liked this article, you might enjoy: New Recipes for Your Favorite Dishes, How to Cook a Healthy and Authentic Colombian Dish


Cooking Recipe for A Turkey Meat Veggie Bowl!

As I’ve come to realize that old-school recipes have seized to exist, I took the liberty of creating one of my own.

Feel free to print it out, follow it through and ENJOY!

Vanilla French Toast

If you choose to try it out, let me know how it goes!!!



*For more cooking recipes, workouts and advice, don’t forget to subscribe!*

If you liked this article, you might enjoy: Good Nutrition Can’t Be Replaced By Supplements or Vitamins & All-Natural Health Solution: The ‘Miracle Tree’

Good Nutrition Can’t Be Replaced By Supplements and Vitamins

Most of us tend to associate nutrition with weight-loss, but we fail to consider the additional benefits that a good diet can provide.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the best source of vitamins and minerals you can get is from food itself. Most of the problems your body experiences have to do with your nutritional habits. No capsule, pill, remedy or prescription is going to give you the health benefits of a good diet.

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan, MS, NLC

As the health movement has gained momentum, I’ve noticed an increase in the number of people buying vitamins, supplements and weight-loss capsules. While I’m grocery shopping on Saturday, I like to peek inside the carts of people passing by me in the health aisle. Unsurprisingly, their cart is filled with supplements and vitamins, yet their actual food items are processed foods filled with artificial flavoring.

Although supplements and vitamins are necessary to an extent, people need to understand that food and nutrition topples those items in terms of importance. Most of us tend to associate nutrition with weight-loss, but we fail to consider the additional benefits that a good diet can provide.

Apart from losing weight, a proper diet can…

  • Regulate hormones
  • Clear skin
  • Give great hair and nails
  • Improve mood
  • Increase brain function and awareness
  • Better sleep
  • Increase energy levels
  • Better immune health
  • Improve overall health

In my personal experience, when I made the decision to change my diet, my life got a whole lot easier. I used to worry about things that I thought weren’t under my control, such as pimples, dull hair and a lack of energy. Now, I know that my body reacts to the foods I’m feeding  it. Basically, I’m completely responsible for how I look and feel.

My point is, you have to treat your body like it’s a brand-new Maserati. You have to give it the best fuel, care and maintenance that you can.

Vegetable stand at the supermarket

Instead of spending all that money on supplements and vitamins, try to allocate some of those resources to your grocery budget. Buy raw, wholesome foods instead of canned, processed foods. I can assure you that you’ll see a major difference within a few weeks.

All my love,


*PS. Don’t forget to subscribe or leave a comment. I’d love to answer any questions you might have or simply chat!

If you liked this article, you might enjoy… Being Busy Doesn’t Give You the Right to Be Unhealthy, The Truth About Product Labels and Get Over Your Laziness & Go to the Gym!


Are Meal Replacements Good For You?

Once upon a time, meal replacements were exclusively made for athletes in need of replenishment. Today, however, they’ve made their way into mainstream markets targeting every-day consumers pursuing either a healthier lifestyle or a weight-loss aid. In fact, supermarkets devote an entire section to meal replacement alternatives, such as whey protein shakes, snack bars, protein cookies and so on.

As a generation that’s known for being ‘on-the-go,’ meal replacements sound like the perfect option to maintain a weight-loss program through a busy schedule. After all, it’s much more convenient to drink a protein shake or snack on a protein bar than eating a full-size meal.

Although convenience is a perk, don’t fool yourself into thinking that a meal replacement is as nutritious and filling as a whole-foods meal.

Remember, not all meal replacements are built equally!

Most people believe that by purchasing meal replacements, they’re avoiding unhealthy snacking throughout the day. While there’s some logic to this idea, it’s not always the case. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of meal replacements are simply glorified candy-bars that contain suspicious chemical ingredients and cheap sugar additives.

If you choose to purchase a meal replacement, I encourage you to look over the nutrition facts beforehand.

Ask yourself…

  1. Are there any ingredients that sound like they were fabricated in a lab?
  2. What does the protein-carbs ratio look like? That is, am I being fed or fatten?
  3. How many grams of sugar does it have and where does it come from?
  4. How many calories does it have?
  5. Does it have any vitamins and minerals? If so, what is their percentage?

As you can see, meal replacements are not that great.

I was among the many who tried meal replacements, such as Muscle Milk shakes and Quest bars, to supplement my diet. It wasn’t until I researched their ingredients that I found out that they were heavily processed products filled with controversial sweeteners.

If meal replacements are not that great, what’s their best alternative?

As a person who understands first-hand the struggle of balancing my health with a long work-schedule, I’ve found some alternatives that may work for you.

To be perfectly clear, I didn’t tell you that you couldn’t drink protein shakes. I told you that manufactured protein shakes that are ready to buy at the supermarket are not great for you, which means that you’re free to make your own at home. Like I’ve previously mentioned in one of my blogs, I love to make a protein frappe with unsweetened cashew milk, powdered peanut butter and Impact Whey Protein from MyProtein USA.

If you don’t feel like drinking a shake, you can always pack a snack from home. Usually, I like to pack three 99% fat-free turkey ham slices (5 grams of protein, 25 calories each) with a serving of nuts (almonds, cashews or pistachios). I’ll eat that as a snack to keep my stomach full until I have time to eat my full-size meal.

Other options you might want to consider are: plain Greek yogurt (zero fat, low-to-no sugar), and Turkey Ham slices with a plain/unflavored rice-cake.

I can definitely come up with more suggestions, so please let me know if you’re looking for healthy-snacking options.

My advice to you is to stay away from company-manufactured foods. Try to eat as many whole-foods as possible.

If you have doubts about a certain food item, READ THE NUTRITION FACTS!

Love always,


*Please note: Featured image is from arunonthewildside via Tumblr

If you enjoyed this article, you might like to read: New Recipes for Your Favorite Dishes, Are You Addicted to… Sugar? and Daily Meals Diary


Six Reasons Why You Should Lift Weights

The other day, I was speaking to a colleague of mine about her workout routine.

She told me that she had lost 11 pounds since the last time we saw each other. Intrigued by her results, I asked her how long it had taken her to lose the weight and which method of exercise she used to do so.

“Usually, I run an hour on the treadmill every day. Whenever I don’t feel like running, I just do something else for cardio. It’s taken me roughly six months to lose the weight,” she said. It saddens me to say that I wasn’t surprised by her answer. After all, most of the women I meet at the gym mention doing some form of cardio, i.e. running, cycling or swimming, as their go-to exercise for losing weight.

As women, we’ve been taught to stay away from ‘manly’ exercises, such as lifting weights. Throughout time, we’ve been conditioned to think of ourselves as delicate creatures with fine lines, long legs and a small waist. Thankfully, however, society has evolved. Now, we live in a world where being curvy, athletic and toned is preferred.

Ladies, let me break it down for you… weightlifting is the best way to create a strong, toned, healthy physique.

There are countless reasons why you should incorporate strength training in your workouts, but here are a six of the most persuasive:

  1. Improve bone health
  2. Reduce risk of injury
  3. Boost metabolism = Increases weightloss
  4. Prevent accumulation of belly-fat
  5. Improve flexibility, posture and range of motion
  6. Your bikini body will thank you
Reasons why people should lift heavy weights including fat loss, attitude boost, bone density, injury prevention, strength, and lean curves.
Image by via Pinterest

As most of you know, weaker muscles can contribute to multiple health problems, such as osteoporosis, arthritis and back pain. Even though muscle strength does diminish as you age, studies have shown that only 30% of the strength difference between older and younger adults is caused by age. What that means is that the remaining 70% that contributes to strength-loss is your own doing due to a lack of physical activity.

By lifting weights, you’re able to strengthen your muscles and increase bone density to reduce the risk of future injuries. Trust me, the older you will want to stand up on his own.

Also, despite popular belief, strength training is a better course of action for weight-loss. Technically, you do tend to burn more calories during a cardio session than a weight-lifting session; but… through weightlifting, your body continues to burn calories after your workout, unlike cardio.

“Our metabolism stays elevated by up to 10 percent for three days after you lift as your body repairs the microtrauma in muscles.” – Wayne Westcott, Ph.D

I don’t want you to think that you have to choose between doing cardio or lifting weights. You certainly need to do both for your overall well-being.

I want you to know that it’s possible to do cardio through a strength-training workout by performing circuits or adding plyometric exercises between sets. For those of you who don’t know, that’s exactly how I get my cardio. I don’t run, swim or cycle but I do super-sets, circuits and plyo moves every day.

If you’re ready to start lifting weights, you might find my back and legs workout useful.

Try to lift some weights and let me know how you feel after!

Until then,




2011. “Get stronger, live better. Benefits of weight training.” Mayo Clinic Health Letter (English Ed.) 29, no. 7: 1-3. MEDLINE Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 9, 2017)

2016. “10 WAYS TO burn more fat.” Women’s Fitness no. 154: 58. MasterFILE Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 9, 2017).

2015. “Cardio Vs. Weights.” Self 37, no. 10: 53. MasterFILE Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 10, 2017).

Viallagran, E. 2005. “Cardio vs. strength training: must you choose just one?.” Alive: Canada’s Natural Health & Wellness Magazine no. 277: 90-91. CINAHL Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 10, 2017)


Featured image is from

Infographic is from via Pinterest




Being Busy Doesn’t Give You the Right to Be Unhealthy

How wonderful would it be for our day to turn out exactly the way we planned?

I mean, wouldn’t it be great if we could get out of work at four, get to the gym at five, and be home for dinner around seven every single day? Yes, it would be… but it’s rarely ever going to happen. Life is unpredictable, which means that we have to adapt the best we can to get to where we want to be.

Being busy or tired doesn’t give you a free pass to eat unhealthy or skip the gym. Quit the bullshit. We both know that if you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen. Trust me, it’s not that difficult.

Still, people are experts at finding excuses as to why they can’t be as healthy as they’d like, which is why I’ve provided a few solutions.

“I don’t have time to cook.” 

Picture of potatoes, asparagus and meat cooking on a stove.

Honestly, nobody has time to cook.

Do you really think that I rather be in the kitchen prepping my meals than sleeping off a long week? Didn’t think so. Situations like these require you to prioritize what you need instead of what you want. You need to eat healthy, so must take your butt off couch and into the kitchen.

I always advice people to meal-prep during the weekend. By setting aside an hour or two on Sundays to meal-prep, you can save yourself the hassle of cooking every single day for the rest of the week. Invite a friend over, have some wine and get cooking!

“I just got off work and won’t be able to make to the gym in time before it closes.”

Okay, this has happened to me several times.

If you know that you’re going to be working late on a regular basis, I suggest doing one of two things:

  1. Go to the gym before going to work
  2. Get a membership to a 24-hour gym

If your work schedule isn’t that bad, but you have some days where you get home later than usual, schedule your workouts accordingly. For example, if you know that you won’t have time to go to the gym, do a cardio session that night instead of a back and biceps workout. You can do cardio literally anywhere, so don’t worry about being at the gym.

Woman running long distance in the sunset.

I go to several lunch meetings for my job and most of the restaurants aren’t healthy.”

I always laugh when people say this because restaurant have options, believe it or not. You can easily modify what’s on the menu to fit your needs. The only thing you need to do is find a meal that has the protein you want with some veggies and ask for it to be brought out just the way you want it.


For instance, imagine that a restaurant offers grilled chicken breast with pasta , peppers, mushrooms, asparagus, BBQ sauce and fries. When the waiter comes to take your order ask for the meal, but specify that you only want the chicken breast without the BBQ sauce and a full plate of the veggies instead of the pasta.

Easy right?

You’re only fooling yourself if you think that you can’t get something done due to a lack of time and energy. It’s time for you to look beyond your daily obstacles and become an expert at finding solutions.

You got this.

Love always,


*Please note: All images used are from, an online provider of free stocked photos*

Daily Meals Diary

“This girl is preaching about eating healthy, but does she actually do it?”

I’m sure at some point or another, some of you have asked yourself this question. After all, how do we know that the people we follow on Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites are legit?

Maybe, it’s all a scam by companies trying to sell us on protein products we don’t need through people who just happen to look good.

Honestly… who knows.

I, myself, have asked this question several times. Now, that’s not to say that the people who make a living off being an influencer don’t work hard like they say they do. I’m just saying that a certain level of skepticism is expected by some of us that know how sneaky companies can be. Because of that, I decided to write a blog about what I eat on a daily basis, so that you can be the judge of my eating habits.

Before we begin, let me be perfectly clear about three things.

  1. I am not a nutritionist or a dietitian
  2. I am human, so yes I eat more than I should sometimes
  3. My diet is by no means perfect… it’s a working progress

Is that clear? If so, let’s begin.

Breakfast (Two Scenarios, Two Options)

Scenario #1

Woke up late and hungry, but I have to work out before going to work!

Choice: Protein Frappe 

Image by ‘gwendolynlifts’ via Tumblr


  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk or Unsweetened Cashew Milk (serving should fill 1/2 of the Ninja personal smoothie blender)
  • Designer Whey Protein (1 scoop)
  • Powdered Peanut Butter (1 serving)
  • Lots of ice

Scenario #2

Went to the gym as soon as I finished my morning coffee, so my breakfast is my post-workout. 

ChoiceFish-based veggie bowl

Image by ‘dietandhealthythings’ via Tumblr


  • Salmon, tilapia or canned tuna in water (1 serving)
  • Asparagus or zucchini (should fill the majority of your plate)
  • Red bell peppers (1/4 serving)
  • Mushrooms (1/4 serving)
  • Onions (1/4 serving)
  • Avocado (1/2 serving)
  • Seasoning of your choosing


Usually, I have the same meal for lunch every day. The only things that I play around with are the protein and the seasoning.

Protein-based Veggie Extravaganza 

Image by ‘justanothervegangirl’ via Tumblr


  • Lean 99% fat-free turkey meat, grilled chicken or (rarely) lean ground-beef
  • Steamed broccoli and cauliflower (2 servings, one of each)
  • Cabbage (1 serving)
  • Spicy HEB mustard or wholegrain Dijon
  • Roasted & salted almonds, cashews or pistachios (I’m supposed to eat 1 serving, but to keep it 100% with you… more often than not, I eat 2-3 servings hahahaha.)
  • Seasoning of your choosing

*P.S. When it comes to the veggie portion of my meal, sometimes I’ll eat all three or pick one and increase the serving size. For example, instead of eating one serving of cabbage and one serving of cauliflower, I’ll eat two servings of broccoli.


It’s important for you guys to know that I don’t snack throughout the day.

My meals are high in fiber and fat, so I’m pretty much full at all times. Also, I have really bad acid reflux, which makes me extremely sensitive to the amount of food I consume.

Din-Din (Two Scenarios, Three Options)

Scenario #1: I got home late and I’m hungry, but I’m too lazy to cook. 

Choice #1: Protein Oatmeal and Blueberries 

Image by MirandaMunchies via Instagram


  • Plain, quick-one-minute oats (2-3 servings)
  • Designer Chocolate Whey Protein (1 scoop)
  • Powdered Chocolate Peanut Butter or sunflower butter (1 serving)
  • Blueberries (1/2 cup)

Choice #2: Turkey Sandwich with Milkshake


  • 40-calories wheat bread (2 slices)
  • Fat-free turkey ham (4 slices)
  • Unsweetened Vanilla Milk (2 cups)
  • Designer Whey Protein (1 scoop)

Scenario #2: Egg whites and turkey ham omelette with Air-Popped Popcorn 


  • Egg whites (2 servings)
  • Fat-free turkey ham (2 slices)
  • Organic yellow popcorn, air-popped by me! (3 servings)

Obviously, I do change my meals once in a while. I don’t have a strict routine or anything. It all depends on what I feel like eating. Even though most of the food I eat is healthy, I do tend to over-eat, especially when it comes to my fats.

I don’t count my macros, but I can definitely tell whenever I’ve eaten past what I was supposed to. I’m human… what can I say? It happens.

Also, I don’t know if you noticed buuuuut I tend to eat the majority of my calories at night. I know people advise you to spread your calories throughout the day and to avoid eating too much before you go to bed, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter to me.

I’ve tried to eat my carbs before and after my workouts like most fitness professionals suggest, but I just didn’t see a significant change. Besides, I feel happier whenever I have my carbs at night while watching TV. It brings back my sanity. It’s how I choose to do it.

Is that the best time to eat most of your calories? Probably not.

Do I care? Nope.

Well, that’s all I have for you today. Feel free to let me know what you think about my eating habits. I’m dying to see what you think!

Love always,


*Please note: All the images in this blog are not mine. Read the captions for more details, and feel free to tag the person who took it in here if you know!*